The world that we know and see everyday has many complex layers. We all experience our life journey on earth differently than others, that is what makes our time here special and unique. Each experience we have adding to our memories and the destiny set forth for us. The ascension path we live on earth is overlapped by the unknown. A place where demons inflict sickness upon us and try to sway our paths with sin. At the same time our guardians and angels that watch over us staying by our sides to help in times of need and be our strength. How do we occupy the same space though? All of us being real creatures with mass and definition taking up space in the universe.
For it is the overlapping of dimensions. Unseen worlds that are as true and real as our own we experience. When the realm of the place where evil dwells crosses the realm of where angels fly. It creates earth as we know it. A experience of the senses for us but also an unseen dimension that occupies the same space and time. It is the ability for good and evil to occupy the unseen space of our reality that allows them to either protect us or cause us harm and grief depending on their motive.
The realm we live in is full of senses. It is a wondrous and glorious place where we can smell the flowers and taste the foods of a thousand lands. Its a place where we can touch a loved one and experience the pleasures of that only earth allows. As there are pleasures in our realm, in our dimension but not where else. It is the same pleasures and emotions that when we pass we ultimately want to come back and experience again.
The physical planet we live on is a living, breathing thing. It has energy poles that are magnetic along with an aura around it visible with the northern lights. We as humans have energy and all things living have energy. All things ammit a frequency of energy. Some things then are able to hold energy. A piece of quartz for instance can scientifically hold and store energy. It was used in radios for years. All things living and even some dead produce their own energy. A human has a visible energy field known as a Aura. All of these types of energy no matter there source are interconnected and can bond together. Energy then itself can be created or stored depending on how it interacts with the environment and the world.
The space we occupy is a physical place that is three dimensional. However there are other places that exist in our own reality. Our reality is three dimensional where in fact we know scientifically there is another dimension. However for there are other known realms that have been experienced and documented. A realm were it is purely a state of mind and unable to be physically reached.
They are the unseen realms.
The upper realm
the middle realm
The lower realm
Each of these realms being distinct in its own dimension and who inhabits it. One realm and dimension containing evil forces while another can occupy several dimensions. It is described in the bible of another realm and many Shamans say they go to other realms in trance like states. It is up to us though to understand the realms and except their reality in order to fully grasp an understanding on the complex layers we ourselves perceive as reality.
The middle realm is actually the realm that mimics our own. It is the realm where it has a grey tone on a overwhelming blue scheme. It is a realm where time is the same. You are a voyeur to your own life and many people who had near death experiences have described, all being the same. This realm also holds the same dimension that allows your angels and things we see from the corner of our eyes. There is another world that mimics our own. With its own inhabitants walking next to us and we don't even realize.
The middle realm allows our angels to protect us. It is parallel to our own and takes up the same space and time. That is the way a angel can be with us but we do not see it. As it is not "invisible" but it is merely parallel to us in its own space. This space is also where departed loved ones reside and other sprits. It is where evil lurks too. Demons and creatures called the death stalkers, both wanting to cause us harm. Along with those demons and angels are a special being. A being that no one knows who or what they are. They are known as the shadow people. Historically though they have been known to help man and oversee him. The last but most crucial of the middle realm inhabitants are your spirit guides. A main guide that helps you live life to the fullest.
Everyone has at least one guardian angel. They were appointed to us when we entered the world and have the sole purpose of caring for us and making sure we stay safe.
The spirits of loved ones as well as lost spirits also inhabit this realm. They walk next to us. People who are superstitious may say they haunt a space. They do not haunt but lost spirits themselves are in fact lost. They did not cross over the light bridge to the heavens. They are then forced to roam the middle realm until someone can help them across.
Spirits of loved ones are with us and will sometimes leave us trinkets or tiny gifts to let us know they are close. They can also come in forms of signs by the heavens. However it is said when a loved one dies they loose their voice.
The shadow people have been called the referees of the middle realm. Many people have seen them and in fact many children who describe seeing a monster in their room have simply witnessed a shadow person. Time after time, account after account children describe the same creatures that torment them. However it was found that they are not tormenting them. They are in fact watching over them as they sleep. A few of the well known and documented shadows are:
The pointed hats- They are described as small gnome like characters. Some having small shrouds on like robes with a pointy hat. Some with their eyes red and watching in groups.
The Slenderman- The creature is very tall and similar to the character "Gumby" he is long with long arms and is known for standing over chiders beds watching them as they sleep.
The Pointy hat tallman- This creature is the same as the small pointy hat people but stays singular and is much taller and average height to a human. People describing seeing red eyes as well in a hooded type robe with no real visible face.
The Hat man- the hat man is described the same also by people who have seen him. A fairly average height old man. He where's a large brimmed hat and a long trench coat. He however carries a pocket watch. This is the only one of the shadow people who appears to be menacing looking. With a scowl he appears to be able to bend time. Often seen with recently departed individuals in his presence. Some think he may be the grim reaper. Who ever he may be it appears as if he can bridge the time gap from earth time to middle realm time to allow recently departed people to return briefly to say their goodbyes.
Our spirit guides are with us all the time. They are also appointed to us when we are born. Their sole purpose is to tend to our needs and help us learn the virtues. They are the ones that share messages with us and give us subtle hints about life trying to help us fulfill our true destiny.
The upper realm is a realm of spiritual bliss you might say. A garden and landscape like no other place on earth. Some theories suggest it's the gateway to heaven the very first step in a journey to the afterlife. Another theory is based on it was originally the place in the bible described as "The Garden of Eden" where Adam and Eve both were placed in the very creation of man.. The legend says The entrance to this place is guarded by warriors in a long house, gathered around a table ready for combat and always in deliberation with each other. A specific warrior was chosen through the coarse of time to sit and keep guard. A different warrior from every race, culture and time. The house was placed over the entrance where the serpent found his way in, the warriors now guarding the one spot where corruption could occur.
The lower realm is a place of nature and wisdom. It is said through cultures it is the place where most Shamans would go to find answers and cures for their people. It is also said anyone who wishes to seek wisdom may travel to the lower realm themselves. The lower realm being a place of different climates and geographic terrains. Its a place where the spirit animals and plants of people live. It's also the place where animals and plants communicate with our world. A intricate network of communication with in the world we live.
The world we live in is defined by time and the length of time we are on this planet. The things to understand is time is eternal and the amount of time we spend here is only a perception. A fly has a lifespan of only a couple days, while a dog could be 15 years, a human around 80 and a tortoise a few hundred. No matter the length of time spent its more important on what we accomplish while we are here. It reads int he Holy Bible that time is a blink of an eye. It goes on to say that when you perish and meet your maker it is only a instant when you see your kin. The thing to understand about our world and the heavens and the after life is that there is a time differential. A calculation estimated is around 1 to 7.
Think of it like this, we operate in our world at "our normal" speed of everyday life. The life we live where a man or woman lives to be 80 and a fly lives three days. From a aspect of time and space though the middle realm which is right along parallel to our own is running much much slower. If you could be in the middle realm, the "real world" would be like watching a movie in fast forward. This is known because of the length of time after a person dies and their perception of their surroundings afterward. When a person dies they have to "collect their belongings" so to speak before they move on to the after life.
Sometimes they can come back to visit family members before making that transition. People have stated seeing loved ones and communicating with them in dreams. The length of time stated though are similar in all experiences. one second of death is equal to about 1 day of "real time" statements include a person passing on and immediately finding themselves with family members in familiar surroundings. This usually occurs for those family members a week or so after the passing. This confirms the time and space differential. They also have stated that people who have passed returning only a minute or two later in their time, meanwhile the person the visit with say months have passed since the last visit.
This would then allow us to know that when we perish from the earth our friends and family will mourn our loss for years to come. However when we meet our own death and see our departed family, for them only minutes have passed since they last saw us.
Most people have their own accounts of the after life or even near death experiences. Every culture and religion has their own interpretation of what that after life consists of. We know of the time differences and the other realms. There are also accounts of people dying and being resuscitated back to life having tales of their experiences. There is also people who have died and sought consultation about what has happened and what will become of them.
The most common things is the "white light" everyone who passes for the most part experiences a white light of some sort. The issue being not everyone really knows what else occurs. However through near death experiences and other psychic events the can establish some what of a time line of occurrences.
Most death situations are either medical or traumatic to the deceased, each posing their own series of events that occur afterward or just before. Most "normal" death scenarios occur for medical reasons, and in these cases people say they find themselves floating above their bodies and in most near death experiences state either a family member of angel is their with them telling them they most go back. In cases where the life is truly over people state floating above their bodies and seeing everything that is going on around them. They say its usually a blue/grey state and nothing has color except for that specified hue. (Middle realm) After a few seconds they are instantly transported to a familiar location, usually their home or some other place of comfort. While other people state they just stayed at the place of death. Despite the location though they all say there is an overwhelming sense of peace and well being. All pain is gone and there is no stress at all.
Its usually at this time "Your people come" they stated that they hear a familiar voice of a passed loved one. The voice usually calls them and they are compelled to follow the voice to find its source. Thats typically when most people see the "white light" its usually far away and gets larger or closer. Loved ones are usually standing in the light waiting for the recently deceased with open arms. This is when a individual actually will cross over and in all accounts walk into the light.
Any accounts where things didn't go as planned is when individuals didn't go into the light or they died traumatic deaths. Tragedy can cause energy imprinting on surrounding areas where the death occurred. It can also happen so suddenly it basically catches everyone on "the other side" off guard. You weren't suppose to die and something went wrong and you did. The best thing to bring from this is there are also accounts where people with psychic abilities have visually saw traumatic events and stated they witnessed the sky open up and small balls of energy lift into the sky. We can only assume these are the souls of the individuals who passed, but in either scenario the individual never feels any pain.
Many eastern religions believe fundamentally in reincarnation. Reincarnation is the basic principle that after death the soul leaves the body and then is placed into a new body. Some cultures believe it is anything or anybody. It is based on your life path and how Karma effected you and how you then interacted with the world around you while you were living. Our findings indicate though that there is simply a set number of beings on the earth. Through ascension patterns animals upon death will reincarnate into other animals. They will ascend upward becoming a more intelligent animal every time. People however can reincarnate but do so with a purpose. The purpose is to learn the virtues. If you are on the planet and do not learn your virtues you will face judgement and then come back as another person in another lifetime to learn other virtues. This is where the old souls develop. When people have numerous "other" past lives they are considered a old soul. Sometimes they are wise beyond their years. This is because they have lived many lifetimes, each one trying to learn a virtue but at the same time remembering what the old ones were.
Reincarnation follows the ascension order as people can reincarnate up but never down into a lower functioning creature. This is because animals are the basis for all new souls. Through the Law of the Universe of cause and effect which effect us. When one person dies it allows another to be born. The human soul itself then is simply recycled so to speak. We refer to it as a who you are currently in your present lifetime is the "driver" of the car, while your other souls of who you use to to be are the passengers. They effect your likes and dislikes along with your current natural abilities. Artistic, musical, the list goes on and on. This is the reason why we are particularly good at one thing or the other because we did it before in a past life.
When a true "new" soul is needed the universe calls upon one of the higher ascending animals to help create that new soul. This is where the term came from "Spirit animal" native americans used it as a term of the animals on the other side that guide us. However right now everyone on earth feels a particularly attraction to one animal or another. That is because somewhere in the cycle of you being you a specific animal was the original creation of your current soul.
The animals main goal is to ascend higher and higher through out eternity, while they are on our planet helping us, offering themselves as food and nutrients. Our goal is to ascend higher and higher and learn the virtues so a day come when we do not reincarnate any longer.
All entities want to communicate with each other. Its been a basis of life for thousands of years. Early cave paintings and smoke signals were all ways we tried to communicate with each other. Just because of death it does not stop wanting or needing to communicate. As living people we are curious of the unexplained., in death we need answers or want to set things straight. Each side between the realms want to communicate its only being able to hear what everyone is saying and the tools available to do so.
Many main stream religions frown upon communication with the deceased. They say there is the potential for evil intent, demon possession and other simply bad things being stirred up. This is 100% true their are things in the other realm that mean us harm. We have protectors though that keep them away from us. When we stir the pot so to speak it invites them to us. The purpose of all this is to know their is to know all the ways to communicate, the tools for realm usage and how to do it safely.
There are many different tools that people use to communicate with the other side. Tarot cards, Ouija boards, Runes, pendulums, auto writing and so forth. Each tool allowing the entity or energy to communicate with us.
Some people are born with a special gift of being able to see, communicate or hear entities from the other side. Sometimes they use the tools above to communicate and give or receive messages from the other side.
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