There was once great religion that was perfect in the eyes of the lord. It preached of harmony and love creating a heaven on earth, a utopia for all who were there. God oversaw heaven which was inhabited by angels, different levels of angels to be exact. Dante even wrote upon these findings in ancient texts. The angels that lived in heaven were in "Choirs" each of these choirs would hold trinities of angels. They wrote that heaven itself was in layers that some referred to as the "9 Spheres of heaven" Those nine spheres were:
The levels of heavens
X. Empyran- This is the level where god resides.
IX. Primum Mobile- This is where the 1st, 2nd and 3rd triads of angels reside.
The levels of angels were
1st sphere or 1st triad
2nd sphere or 2nd triad
3rd sphere or 3rd triad
The nine angels of the choir in order from highest to lowest is:
Arch Angels
VIII. Trimph of Christ- Fixed stars level
VII. Saturn- Contemplations
VI- Jupiter- Righteous Rules
V. Mars- Martyrs and Crusaders
IV. Sun- Theologians
III. Venus- Lovers
II. Mercury- Lovers of Glory
I. Moon- Breaker of Vows
Amongst all the levels of angels it was known that god had his favorites. His angel Lucifer being one of them. God then decided to create man following a single blueprint. When god created earth for man to dwell ,he used the same blueprint. God has a single master blueprint for all that he creates. He created the earth with its high mountains and flowing waters and created man with the same recipe. The scripture writes that god created man from the dust of the earth. Essentially using the basis of earth for our own creation, like a sourdough starter, the "Mother" hence where the term "Mother Earth" was developed.
From man god took a rib and created woman. The female of our species being two creations apart from earth. The earth itself being composed of
32% Iron
30% Oxygen
15% Silicon
14% Magnesium
3% Sulfur and
2% Nickle
along with many other trace elements.
Its 4 main elements of composition are O2, Hydrogen, carbon and Nitrogen, it is also 71% covered in water.
Man was then created from that essential dust sharing the same elements of composition. Our own composition is the same exact mineral order but in reverse. We are also primarily water. If we think on a greater scale we are all tiny replicas of earth. Each of us with our own micro ecosystem inhabiting our surface just as we inhabit the surface of earth. Bacteria and micro organisms all living a daily life and life cycle non the wiser of the greater being it inhabits.
We, like earth share many of the same traits, the need for sun and a sleep cycle based on a single earth rotation. We can pollute or bodies with bad food or toxins just like we pollute the earth with garbage. The human body can even have natural disasters effect it which causes the need for recovery.
Tornado- Mental Illness along with anger and rage
Tsunami- Alcoholism
Earthquake- Addictions
Wildfires- Sickness and fever
Windstorms- Verbal abuse
Thunderstorms- Common colds and flu
However the rains that come on earth and upon us can clean and make us pure.
We are part of earth just as much as earth is part of us. We must nurture and care for both, as we harm one we end up harming each other
When god created the earth and then man and then woman. The one thing god did not anticipate was the jealousy of Lucifer his favorite angel. God loved man eternally and Lucifer knew he could not compete with man and the love he shared with God. So God cast out his angel Lucifer to the earth and separated the heavens starting the great holy war between good and evil.
Just as god had levels in heaven Lucifer had levels of hell that were also written in text through time. These levels were known as the 9 circles of hell.
1st circle- Limbo
2nd circle- Lust
3rd circle- Gluttony
4th circle- Greed
5th circle- Anger
6th circle- Heresy
7th circle- Violence
8th circle- Fraud
9th circle- Treachery
Satan organized hell into 7 separate divisions called principalities and placed demons in charge of each division. This was written by Les and were called the "Principalities and powers"
Those demons are
Rege- The general of the occult and known as the lord of mind altering drugs.
Larz- Demon of Sexual lust
Bacclius- Demon of Addictions
Pan- Demon of the mind and mental illness
Medit- Demon of hate and murder
Set- Demon of death
Christian- a bottom level demon
With the foundation of heaven and hell all the inhabitants of earth knew nothing other than the great religion. The religion of peace and love. Satan taking 1/3 of the angels with him to hell to be his soldiers. Achangels from heaven all fighting for the souls of gods children. A horrible war will be fought for eternity based on who will get the most souls. One side preaching love and the other side preying on sin. So to solve this issue god made man have "Free will" Free will will be the deciding factor of how man will spend his life on earth and the path they will follow. He made an agreement with the devil that he will clear the minds of his beloved children and let free will decide their fate.
So he divided up the great religion casting it across the earth . Each piece and concept falling upon a different continent and among a different race. A different dialect so they could not discuss the view points from other lands. This Chaos that was created was the foundation of the devils work. It was the foundation however for what the world was founded on.
The principles were based on the primary religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism. Each principle being followed essentially by a separate culture, a separate continent. The principles of the earth however were not meant to be followed as a singular religion any longer. Some were to be used as a religious base and how to worship god. The others being the foundations of daily life and all world interactions while we are on earth.
The original sacred text of the old religion were divided into the Torah, the Bible and the Quran. Each of those texts being given to a separate prophet and each developed their own following. The original meaning however was to be read as one much larger full encompassing scripture.
The other principles were then shared and cultivated by others that brought about a metaphysical response. A way of life, and the way god wanted us to live on earth. A peaceful people that followed his word and lived a good life by following his three scriptures and his life teachings.
The holy war between good and bad however will never let the religions unify. As it is Satans sole purpose to keep these religions and thought processes separated and un-unified. Spending eternity trying to win souls to their side awaiting the second coming and ending the war. The one with the most souls wins.
The one thing that the we hold which is more important than any other thing is "Free Will" Free will is essentially the greatest gift God gave us. It is the factor that dictates your entire life as outside influences then make you react and influences your free will to gravitate one way or another in certain scenarios. Think of free will like the balancing point for life. If you find your self with good influences then good things can happen, but if you place yourself in negative situations then only bad can occur.
The free will upon us all also works collectively. Free will also effects relationships between us all because the universe can place us in scenarios to begin relationships with people. Free will then between the the people then dictate if they will initiate the relationship. The universe will always provide scenarios but it is up to free will to dictate the outcome solely based on personal choice and outside influences.
With the creation and the two sides fighting over the souls of man. We as humans were given free will and the right to choose. The right to choose then came with its own struggles and obligations. The devil giving us The seven deadly sins.
The seven sins were the temptations Satan were provided to sway mans decision of free will.
Therefor God put forth the virtues of the lord. The seven virtues are gods laws he wanted man to follow while on earth. The overall list of actions to follow to ensure a place in his eternal heaven.
The seven virtues are Theological virtue of Gods virtues
and the four Cardinal Virtues of philosophy
Each of the seven sins and virtues being the main components that effect free will. The true gift of god to man. As it's gods gift, we must realize how precious that gift is. It allows us to make choices while on earth. Those choices then effect outcomes and our path on earth. All the while the devil allowing his demons to run free and try to tempt us with the sins of hell. The sins and virtues being the exact opposites of each other. One virtues essentially being the "anti-sin" in ones life keeping us from the path of hell.
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