Social conformity is what we are focusing on. The aspects of people we interact with and how they percieve us, or vice versa. When we conform to others to be like them we set examples for everyone around us. Then they want to be like the other people too. Its through media outlets that we get our information about the world around us. So we learned from a young age that Mr. Jones's lawn was very nice. We learned that Mr. Smith's new car was really nice. We are taught from a young age also that if you want something as nice as Mr. Smiths new car that you have to work very hard for it. Why this is a very true point and we do have to work for things we want. The bigger point is how did we get to a spot where we thought one car was nicer than the other? So if we want the better model we need to work twice as hard for it? Does the least expensive model still get us from point A to point B? well yes. Yes it does. So why do we need something so much more expensive and extravagant to make the same journey? The answer is social conformity.
Through social conformity we have learned through the years to listen to everyone around us and make choices based on them and not us. Government entities, corporations and Mr. Smith next door all have their opinion on what being succesfull is. When we go through life we want everyone to think we are as successful as possible or we are preceived as a failure. Well no one wants to be a failure so we do the best we can at being as successful as possible. All the time creating a perception to everyone around us of our current economic status.
With the creation of social media now its instantly thrown in our faces. Kevin posts a picture of him and his smiling wife and kids in the Bahamas.
(Then you think to yourself, well I don’t have enough money to send my family there. I must be a failure)
Stacy posts a picture of her spa day where she is pampered beyond words.
(Well you cant afford a spa day. So you must be a failure)
Social media has also provided us with a platform for presenting ourselves in a way that projects the image we’d like the world to have of us. We can post our best photographs of ourselves, highlight the most positive moments of our lives and in some cases even provide an inauthentic version of ourselves in order to gain praise from our peers. By doing this we further separate ourselves from our true nature. Our job here on he earth plane is to discover the lessons we need to learn an apply them to our lives in order to ascend correctly on our spiritual path. When we are dishonest with ourselves, project false images for praise and attention or compare ourselves and our lives to the lives of other people, we are doing ourselves a great disservice in our efforts to gain wisdom and knowledge on our path. We must be willing to recognize our true nature ,including all of our flaws and shortcomings, in order to understand what we need to change in our personalities, habits
Its all pictures of fancy cars or fancy things. Instant conversations of the latest fashions and five hundred dollar bags. All the time "life" is trying to lead you in the right direction. Its trying to give you information and signs to help your journey but we are always to busy listening to those outside forces. All the forces trying to get us to conform to the society around us and cloud the visions of the future inside our heads that are just waiting to be unlocked.
When the government or any other authoritarian structure needs to govern a large mass of people and keep the majority of them believing in the views that they believe in. It creates a world with out much chaos and allows them to to achieve a greater goal for the betterment of mankind. The only issue with this is when a small group of authoritarian figures believe a cause is for the better good of mankind, it may not be. So if a government structure can inform the masses all at once while speaking as the silent partner through corporations. It subtly creates social conformity.
Social conformity is simply the way in which you get a mass of people to all believe the same thing. They conform to a thought or idea and accept it. When you strive for mass social conformity then poltical agnedas can be achieved swifter and with less oppisition. People with polictical voices then can work hand in hand with large corporations. The corporations receive grants and tax breaks in order to help win the silent war of social conformity .Its a win, win situation for political figures and corporations. The only ones that suffer though are the people. The tiny gears at the bottom generating all the forward motion so the giant gears at the top can turn without effort.
The government in general is its own chaotic machine. Each branch of the government from local to federal all operating in the same generalized manner, disorder! The large gear all the way at the top may appear to be just one large gear. But inside it our lots of other gears. Some spinning faster than others. Some not even spinning at all. While others spin in the completely different direction.
The old term "Too many chiefs and not enough Indians" come to mind when trying to describe the government and their supreme knowledge. When in fact there is so much disorder and complete chaos with in a government system it will make a grown person cry. Is this the fault of the government though? Not at all! They don’t mean to be but when you follow a chain of command in most scenarios and start to overlap scenarios, orders get confused, lost and plain forgotten about. Its like trying to herd a thousand cats into a barn. You just kind of do the best you can and hope everything works out in the end.
We are just humans and we each have our own agenda and problems we are trying to work out. So in turn when you have many scenarios occuring in the government section they just all cant be handeled smoothly. The one thing the government does want to run smoothly is its perception to its people as a whole.
Perception is everything in the world. Your perception of others and their perception of you is what really dictate our daily lives. Its no different in the capacity of the government. They want us to preceive them as a finely tuned machine. When in fact they are just as misguided as we are. The one thing they can do is drive the economy and help businesses facilitate us becoming an economic power house by the trade and purchase powers of its people.
If the government wants us to all wear blue jeans. It can not say one day by writing a law that says
That’s absurd, however what it can do is place taxes on certain other pants or give tax breaks to companies that produce blue jeans. The companies then through their marketing efforts create campaigns on why we should wear blue jeans. They then can start a blue jean trend thus the government achieved its goal of getting everyone to wear blue jeans.
Is this a realistic example? No not at all but it shows the path in which it is possible to convey a message to a group of people subtly so a greater goal is achieved. All of this is simply static produced from an outside source that helps sway our opinions and help cloud our judgment of our life missions.
Its simply people we interact with everyday that has the most damning effect on how we view our world around us and how we interact with it.
Corporate conformity comes in the shape of many different influences. Companies giving their opinions on how to dress or what to eat. Mass media telling us ho to live or sway our opinions to join the masses. This type of conformity is probably the worst of them all. As there are so many ways the corporate structure can persuade us to think and even do certain things.
All of this information they feed us then makes us think and believe certain things. Using media as its main source of delivery. The TV, radio or internet feed all give corporations their platform to speak upon. Its our job to understand that even though they want us to think and feel as a collective group we are each individuals. As individuals then its our jobs to keep our thought processes on track and not be influenced by big corporations and news outlets.
Understanding the reason we have been lead down this path in life we can start to making a better "more informed" decisions on all choices that we are presented with from this point on. When we eliminate the static in our heads of the outside world we can focus on ourselves and what our own "quite mind" has to say without outside influence.
The world around us and all the corporate structures create a frenzy of thrashing marketing tenticles to reach out and grab us . Buy this, throw away that, don’t eat this, eat that. Your fat, your ugly. Not to mention the cycles of don’t eat this its bad for you, eat this its good for you. Don’t eat chocolate it will make you fat, eat lots of chocolate its good for you. The cycles of static truly never end. We should have empathy for our brains and what we have to deal with on a daily basis. The static we hear in our heads mold us to be a certain way. The static drives what we eat, what we say, how we entertain ourselves and how we dress. We make the choices everyday for OURSEVES based soley on what the mental static of outside forces pursuade us to do.
Our first goal is to learn how to shut this mental static off and make our lives simplier by making better choices for ourselves. We need to build a better life for our self simply by starting to think about ourself and listening to what "life" has to say.
Our time spent on earth has almost always been dictated to us on what we should do and where we should go. We follow through examples around us that have taught to us on what to do, whom to follow and what to believe.
Our species as a whole dominate the earth. We take what we want, when we want it and have little regard for our actions when we think it benefits us. We must start now listening to what our mind is telling us and let "life" guide us on our path. Once our mind is cleared out of all the outside static of social conformity we can focus on what our 'Life" has to say for once. And when we finally start to hear what life has to say it will open up a brand new world of understanding. A understanding of how the world works and all the secrets that it holds. Simply by clearing your mind and following the correct path of asension.
Along with several types of conformity issues that plague our mind. We are faced with other types of static creators that can cloud our judgment. Empathy by itself can be a glorious thing. Empathy can also be a cause of worry and influences our listening capabilities.
When we worry about things out of our control we create a space in our minds for negative emotions to grow. Its our job to try to eliminate all types of negative emotions from inside that space and fill it instead with positive thoughts.
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