The principles are based on the separation of the original religion into separate parts or principles that dictate our interactions with the world and how we were meant to worship. The great religion being separated among many lands and many types of people. The chaos it created keeps them separated to this day. Gods holy book of the grand religion was separated, part of it given to Moses, part of it given to Jesus and part of it given to Muhammad.
These relgious foundations became the
Moses with the Torah, Jesus with the Bible and Muhammad with the Quran. These were the foundations of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The three of the largest religions known to man.
God then separated the rest of his scriptures into ways of life to be known as
The principles of life would be viewed by man as religions. Those religions making up the largest other more commonly known in the world. Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. Even though they were classified as a religion over time god intended them to be ways of life. The actions we should take on earth to be closer to god while we are on our journeys.
Set forth by the scriptures of the prophet Moses. He brought forth the ten commandments and the Torah. The main following of the Jewish people.
The scriptures of the bible were those inscribed by the followers of Jesus and his preachings.
Muhammad was the final prophet chosen and given the followings of the Quran.
Hindus follow a old tradition.
People who live like Buddha
A way of life understanding Tao
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