originally listed in "the acts" section this was taken out when the acts ere realized to be the virtues.
The world only exists because chaos exists. All processes of creation and manifestation of the universe is only possible because of the chaos created with in the world. If the world did not have chaos in some form and or structure it would create a physically impossible state of reality forming a utopia.
Therefor Chaos is created as a result of negative or unwanted actions or reaction in the universe to any and all scenarios. It is the essential "Ying and Yang" basis in which the world is based and created upon. For every action must have a equal and opposite reaction. All good energy, good intentions and positive thoughts have to have a negative counterpart in order to exist. This is known as Chaos.
Karma is one of the fundamentals of the spiritual world. It is actually the The result of the Law of the Universe "Cause and effect" as stated above. The way you interact with the world on a daily basis and all the creatures with in it dictates the future your path holds. It also helps create the foundation for your next life in the re-incarnation process. As your actions today will dictate the outcome for future lives.
All living creatures have energy. They also have a life force. The two of which may also be combined. Because of the energy we have in ourselves and everything around us we know that it all works together. The universe is all interconnected like a web. So then all things with energy whether it is animal, plant of mineral, are all sharing energy of some degree.
The energy of all things can be transmitted or absorbed. The proof of this in the physical realm is that of early radios. The radios were made with simple quartz crystals. The crystals could store energy and transmit energy. So we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that a crystal can infect store energy. The same energy in a human and most living creatures will create an Aura. The Aura of a person is the energy field around them. Just as the earth has an energy field and is effected by the magnetic poles.
The act of charity in itself is a generous deed and is greatly appreciated by the universe. It has ties going back through history and even in the bible as tithing by giving 10 percent of your earnings to the church. Charity is a crucial part of the world but the act behind it is what is important. The simple act of charity can be a negative event. It is the reason behind charity that must be acknowledged rather than the charity itself.
If you do an act of charity to help others the act should be spontaneous and the act should be sincere. Most importantly though the act shouldn't be done to make you feel good about oneself. Then the act become negative because it has become a selfish act. The act was done to make one feel good about themselves for helping rather than the act of helping itself.
The other negative action charity performs is disrupting the flow of destiny and others peoples life paths. The karma of others dictated their current life path and by performing a random act of charity can have a negative outcome for the person you're trying to help. They may be at a point in their life where they are learning a virtue through hardship or trial. A act of charity is usually performed by a person who wants to help or wants to feel good about helping someone else. That act is now poisoned and has become selfishness.
Charity can be given but it is said to only give charity when charity seeks you out. All needs and wants of people are different, However when charity is needed it will present itself to you. Charity will search you out when a charitable act is needed. The act of charity that is acceptable is still the tithe to a religious cause or organization you believe in. The act however can not have selfish roots and should be done more as a act obligation.
The balance of life has its equal parts., a positive order and a negative order. The orders then react with each other and against each other, because life is dynamic. Ying and Yang say their must be a balance however most people do not understand what that balance is and how it is created. In order for one person to be rich another must be poor; for one to experience the joy of life another must experience loss.
It falls back into physics of cause and effect and how powerful the orders can be in order to facilitate life as we know it. These all transpire because of the foundations of Chaos. Chaos creates order as weird as it sounds. Chaos and its theory is one of the most important parts of life. The idea of one person may be so ingrained into their consciousness that its all they think of. However another person may think the same idea is so delusional and even inconceivable that this in turn creates chaos in the universe. If it wasn't for the simple action of chaos then everyone would agree about everything creating no forward movement and progression in life. Through chaos though it creates emotions and thought processing, and simply makes life exist. ...."For with out one, there could not be the other."
The orders of the universe refer to the positive order and the negative order that effects all of us at any given time. It is in direct relationship to the chinese Yin and Yang and other balance philosophies through out time. The philosophy simply states that any good action has to have a equal negative action and both must exist in order to have balance in all of life.
The main order for all of us is the act of Perception. Perception is how we interpret things through our senses. The perception of one person against another is passing judgment. However each person has their own interpretation of each other. One person might find a individual intriguing while another finds the same person simple and basic. The perception of all things can become a influence in our lives. The best thing we can do as people is understand the "perception" and analyze it and perceive it as a "influence" instead. We can then understand the orders that must be achieved in life through positive and negative in all scenarios.
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